
Dorset, England, UK

I love in Sunny UK. Okay, that's a lie. It rains so much here. :(

GUISE TEST - Ask me about one of the lines of this recipe. For example, say "What's Line 3?", and I will tell you about adding tomatoes to mince to prove I'm not guised.

1: Chop an onion and fry. 2: Fry mince once onion is soft. 3: Once mince is browned, add tomatoes. 4: Add ketchup, beef stock, and L&P Sauce, and simmer for 15 minutes. 5: Prepare mashed potatoes. 6: After 15 minutes, and when mash is ready, put mash on top of the mince and put in oven at 180 degrees C. 7: Cook for 45 minutes.

Obviously some lee-way is needed as I might say the wrong line - it'll probably be a line early or late. You should probably take into account though that if I start talking about cooking when I'm being guise tested, I'm probably safe.

Good games, all! Long may they continue! ^_^



SALEM'S LIST OF TO +K B0oty kc1178 MonBon iloveevelyn AzureFlame4 violin14


over 13 years
We need to play some games together!
over 13 years
Salem salem salem!
deletedover 13 years
if i find you in game i will always get you lynched.
almost 14 years
You're never on anymore!
about 14 years

thank you +K back. x
deletedabout 14 years
I am honored. I already had you +k'ed and couldn't +k u back 2 ty so i negged u instead ♥ much love
about 14 years
Herro =)
about 14 years
+k for being doc in my 2000th pt game =)
about 14 years

I thought you were an american who just like England LOL everyone here <3 England :P
deletedabout 14 years
Drew is making a new show beginning this month called Improv-a-ganza or something. All the whose line cast will be part of it~ except for wayne he's still in detox
deletedabout 14 years
+K for family!
deletedabout 14 years
u have 2 leave ur family first loser face :P
deletedabout 14 years
HAIII long time <33333
about 14 years
ello govna (:
about 14 years
+KING TIME!!!!!!
over 14 years
over 14 years
k for youuuu come back
over 14 years
But I have no family :(
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Salem can you invite me to your family?