I wasn't being dramatic. If you consider me helping the mods by compiling other reports and pointing out the fact that he is on a gamethrowing rampage is bad, I won't do it next time. Also, I think you forgot to refund the game he gamethrew on. Thanks.
deletedabout 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/report/44192 I think he's been unfairly banned. Apparently he only plays with friends who used proxys and had multiple accounts, and he got banned because he played with them a lot? He's had other reports against him, but he shouldn't be banned for "cheating."
Yea well when you have someone that can delete reports, it's hard to prove a pattern, however I'll be sure that the next time he does it, I'll dig up every use he has and post it.
I have reported it every time, and every time I report it he gets away with it. You should get Lucid to fix the forum suspension thing because both of my accounts are still suspended.
deletedabout 12 years
Awesome. Thank you for getting to it so quickly. <3
You couldn't have waited until the game was over before you had to ban him? It was a competitive game we were playing and he made no violations to the game.