
part of  family
almost 14 years
What kind of internet do you have?
almost 14 years
Someone -Kd me for it anyway...
almost 14 years
Sorry to anyone if I AFK, I keep trying to load the game, but my computer freezes up about 2/3 down day 2. I guess it's just too long of a game.
deletedalmost 14 years
+K for making that shitty game funny
almost 14 years
+k good job killing uncced doc ^^, you knew before, right ?
almost 14 years
+k for being awesome.
deletedalmost 14 years
Cant handle the truth huh? Baww baww baww.
deletedalmost 14 years
How did I repeatedly screw over town? Anyway I dont even think that game was ranked so you're mad at nothing. You died like mid game so you really can even say you did much but whatever. i'm done with the back and forth over nothing. Just learn how to enjoy a win and move on...
deletedalmost 14 years
The fuck are you mad at? We won yet you complain like i did something wrong lol Then you say something in the game when it ends and run like a bitch. LMAO you're a joke :DDD!!!
almost 14 years
Got kicked while lagging for only the 100,000th time. Seriously, why do people kick so fast?
almost 14 years
Thanks for kicking so fast when I was lagging...
almost 14 years
+K'ing you cause you're like one of the best player I ever saw.

almost 14 years
+k for you cuz u r a good player
almost 14 years
Wow, was so fun! You were sweet enough to gun me. Thank you!! But we janned you and I got away with shooting the cop who had a guilty (that he hadn't announced yet). Then I claimed gs, and got a townie lynched ftw. I owe you one!
almost 14 years
+k because you're always a reliable player.
deletedalmost 14 years
2k4u! Please Return!
almost 14 years
+k because Prank is an immense faggot.
almost 14 years
Here's the only game I've ever played with you, and I definitely didn't suicide:
almost 14 years
Well it's a good thing I don't play badly then, which means my not an idiot.
almost 14 years
Your an idiot, playing badly is not trolling, its just annoying.