You see a thick fog. You notice it is actually mist. You try to run and try to get away from this eerie place, but slip on the moist floor. A little girl helps you up (looks 12 years old). She says,"here this is for you" she gives you a package. Inside the package is... A +K!!
deletedover 14 years
You see a thick fog. You notice it is actually mist. You try to run and try to get away from this eerie place, but slip on the moist floor. A little girl helps you up (looks 12 years old). She says,"here this is for you" she gives you a package. Inside the package is... A -k
deletedover 14 years
I'm not embarassing you... stop bein rude
deletedover 14 years
deletedover 14 years
Can I comment again yet.
deletedover 14 years
Thanks :) That's one of the things that pisses me off on this site. I know that a significant portion of the US tends to be racist, but I wish they'd just keep their ignorance to themselves.