


Friends (74)


about 7 years
leave blowmymind alone
anonymousabout 7 years
You scream pathetic attention seeking whore.
why wont you say it to my face then pussy


16 / 20He's Batman
13 / 25Explosion!
12 / 20Do No Harm
6 / 25Objection!
5 / 35Boozin'
almost 14 years
i told you you hit me where it hurt. you didn't need to be so sensitive about your weight, i was kidding jeez. people harass me all the fucking time on here, i dont take it to heart, then it ends. get a grip girl. if i cried over everytime someone insulted me and ripped me a new asshole on epicmafia i'd have killed myself within the first week of playing.
deletedalmost 14 years
who the fuck are you
almost 14 years
you hit me right where it hurt
almost 14 years
are you mad because you're fat? your face shot can't fool people on facebook.
deletedalmost 14 years
ha.. who is the mean one? You didn't want to help some poor soul who may have needed help. :D :D
How's classes going?
deletedalmost 14 years
ooo i livenear villanova:DDD PA/NJ FTW!
deletedalmost 14 years
that wasnt meant to be creepy. :D
deletedalmost 14 years
ha.. well maybe there is a reason :D
deletedalmost 14 years
I forgot to tell you that my Great Uncle Harry coaches the girls basketball team at Villanova!
deletedalmost 14 years
plus k!
almost 14 years
I added u cos I add beautiful girls and I dont hide it lool
deletedalmost 14 years
+k thank you for testing my setup.
about 14 years
happy valentines :D
about 14 years
+k yeeay
about 14 years
+K'd love. <3
about 14 years
i have been looking for you
deletedabout 14 years
Ew, Drake.
deletedabout 14 years
Yeah! That's basically what I was thinking.
deletedabout 14 years
Oh my God
deletedabout 14 years
Well, okay, so I confirm all allegations.