
I'm Fantastic Mr Fox
at Boggis, Bunce and Bean's

At the end of the day, I'm just a wild animal: a fantastic one, I should add, if I'm being completely honest with all you wild animals out there

"Before me, I see a room full of wild animals with true natures and pure talents, wild animals with scientific-sounding Latin names that mean something about our DNA, wild animals each with his own strengths and weaknesses due to his or her species - well, anyway, I think it may very well be all the beautiful differences among us that just might give us the tiniest glimmer of a chance. I don't know...just a thought."


>"Boggis, Bunce and Bean are the nastiest three farmers you could ever meet. They hate Mr Fox and plan to shoot, starve or dig him out of his hole. But Mr Fox is much cleverer than they are and he has a cunning plan of his own" - Roald Dahl

>"Boggis, Bunce and Bean! One fat, one short, one lean: these horrible crooks, so different in looks, were nonetheless equally mean!" - The Children

>"If what I think is happening is happening, it better not be" - Mrs Fox

>"You know, you really are...fantastic" - Mrs Fox

almost 12 years
Wooooo! I got the Fox to shake dat ass. (So very sorry I missed that btw lol) Glad I could provide a lil something to shake it to. :)
almost 12 years
Thx Mr.Fox. I can't +k you. But I will! <3
deletedalmost 12 years
Wow, you really do have a gif. Huh.
almost 12 years
lmfao some people will say otherwise
almost 12 years
THANK U MR FOX ♥ pwease dont eat me!
almost 12 years
+k to 31 :)
almost 12 years
thank you, sir
almost 12 years
Back @ya
deletedalmost 12 years
Wish I could plus back, but thanks m8
almost 12 years
+k'd back :)
almost 12 years
hey thanks bra :)
returning +K
almost 12 years
+K to 26 <3 I like dthat sandbox game too!
almost 12 years
+k to you, Mr. Fox.
almost 12 years
+k for being MrFox
almost 12 years
return +K for that almost (what would have been great) stalker loss :P
almost 12 years
thank you, returned the karma!
almost 12 years
back 'atcha m8
almost 12 years
Returned :D
deletedalmost 12 years
returned ;) gg
deletedalmost 12 years
+k returned to 13, meow on Foxy! :]