...To avoid looking like more of a douche than I already do, I speedremade because I got screwed out of both Gold and Silver. After that, I didn't want Bronze. I'm still here.
Veie I know you dont know me that well but I would love it if you joined my family:D I see you all alone and you are such a great player! I cant believe someone has not invited you yet! Lucid is expanding the family size limit soon, so if you want to then please reply!:D
deletedabout 14 years
Hey Veiex guess who just won gold? -Stability and btw, sorry for selfdeleting but at the time I had a lot of RL stuff going on.
I know you won't joint, but I respect you enough to invite you to my family of Gunsmiths haha and then I can get explosion (implo) back into my fam maybe :D