
Listening to the same sad songs.
Adult world
in love with someone gone

"A disheveled appearance is akin to a disordered heart!" -Umi

                                                Thank you

Hello. I would like to dedicate this space to thank my friends on this site for without them I would not have enjoyed my stay here. Actually, thank you to anyone who has ever interacted with me. I deeply appreciate it. I am but a lonely boi.

This was a very very rough draft of my feelings at the time of writing.


                                                                  littlewhitey draws Umi. (i love it)




anonymousabout 11 years
Lmao. Amazing and no.
anonymousabout 11 years
mannn you're creepy brah
\/╲/\╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/\╱\
deletedabout 11 years
Hi. ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°)
anonymousabout 11 years
Hiya, Prince. (>^_^)> ~* ♥
Hey stalker. Not sure why you have my page saved.
about 11 years
But (?
Kito is really cool and awesome though.


18 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 20Do No Harm
6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20On the Trail
1 / 25Objection!

Created Setups

over 11 years
my name is not john ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
deletedover 11 years
You're pretty cool. Ya know that?
over 11 years
+k for all your troubles
over 11 years
over 11 years
haha, what?
deletedover 11 years
I'm investigating you for teh cheating. nah just kidding.
deletedover 11 years
i know, it's terrible.
deletedover 11 years
I have the extreme displeasure of being Josh J. J.
deletedover 11 years
Hey! I havn't talked to you in forever!! so just sayin' hi :)
over 11 years
virgin joshj was sacrificed! :^)
over 11 years
nihha I pwn u
over 11 years
I always crawled into the night and in your down under your bed just to see you change.

Thanks for the K+ ~
over 11 years
+k Happy 4th of July!
deletedover 11 years
Loool it's okay man I'm just teasing lol
deletedover 11 years
Please don't mind me. Just stalking.
over 11 years
Joshjosh, i still do not know where your icon is from. I feel like i'm at a disadvantage here 8(
over 11 years
I'M SORRY. <3 xoxo.
over 11 years
Joshjosh. yes it is quite nice to have it fixed, and im sure it is happy as well 8)
deletedover 11 years
+k :)
over 11 years
+k for large cock