
Love all, Trust a few, Do wrong to none
married to 
part of  family

Never forget those who matter most ~

"I've been waiting for an answer, but it won't come tonight"



about 8 years
over 8 years
No question here, it's just to tell you to stay like you are ;)
Thank you :)
anonymousover 8 years
why do you hate me?
I don't hate anyone?
almost 9 years
Best mentee :3
Thanks <3


1 / 20Rigged
1 / 25It was Him!
deletedover 8 years
Hey hey spoke to soon! Congrats ^_^
over 8 years
grats on trophy yay
deletedover 8 years
hi, congratsssssssssssss
over 8 years
You did it :)
over 8 years
HAHAH congrats!! i believed in u
over 8 years
Congrats, Pony! I'm happy to see the HOURS of mentoring I put in finally pay off in a trophy. I will gladly take most of the credit of course. =]
deletedover 8 years
i like 2 play w u
over 8 years
in my heart,

u have a trophy,
deletedover 8 years
Good try better luck next time Pony
over 8 years
you tell me, ms IHaveTheAwesomestBackground :3
over 8 years
+k for my mentor.
over 8 years
I somehow hadn't +Kd you yet. >_<
over 8 years
Thank you for joining the Faceless Knights. 3 karma for you as a token of my appreciation. :>
over 8 years
+K for great scumhunting as the only clear
almost 9 years
Dat emotive video Pony
almost 9 years
Sometimes, dreams become reality.
almost 9 years
+k for being fun to play with. =]
almost 9 years
+karma for my mentee :3
almost 9 years
Petit Poney! :)
almost 9 years
Ik, lol, its kinda been foreverrr