
i just wanna play a ----ing normal game with no gujys who saing gay to me and shut the ---- up and shut up to me
in love with someone gone
part of  family

Reverend | thing is, i can see TweIve killing animegayboy69 if his partner was lynched on d1, especially if animegayboy69's hard

Mirasical 28d 2h +1 pretty sure anime was being ironic since his __ing name says ANIMEGAYBOY69 noob admin




deletedover 11 years
I did it!
you did it~
anonymousover 11 years
can you stall the round long enough for me to throw against lokito
idk its probably going to take 2 days for me to break 2k
anonymousover 11 years
kill fuck marry dave crypto sgr
kill sgr fuck dave marry crypto
deletedover 11 years
Why do you like anime so much?
it's probably because i'm gay...or maybe i'm gay because i like anime so much? it truly is a mystery, i guess~
over 11 years
how were you inspired to come up with such an excellent username?
well i just wanted to think up the best possible way to describe myself and suddenly it came to me


1 / 10Guys, I'm so Obvious.
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 10Governator!
1 / 30Oxyclean
over 9 years
You're actually so good at towntelling as mafia man
deletedover 9 years
gay trash
deletedover 9 years
no you were good. the only thing you could've brought up was leesin voting soul in the end, but that's about it. you did well
deletedover 9 years
can u write an epicmafia guide pls???
over 9 years
Oh wow didn't realize you won. Congrats!
deletedover 9 years
*throws confetti* congratulations on gold!!
over 9 years
gratz on gold ps stop stealing my trophy layout
deletedover 9 years
congratulations, baby.
deletedover 9 years
i was excited for another dad boyz trophy but lone f*cking behold
over 9 years
congrats man, can't say either of us had the best end to the round but nice competition until the end
over 9 years
Congrats gira
over 9 years
congrats yo (:
over 9 years
congratulations on winning gold.
over 9 years
Grats on hitting 2k first.
over 9 years
Its ok man, I was being afterall its just a game ;)
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
gone for a while. possibly for good. don't know. it's a weird feeling.
deletedover 9 years
aw god now im gay fuk