
i just wanna play a ----ing normal game with no gujys who saing gay to me and shut the ---- up and shut up to me
in love with someone gone
part of  family

Reverend | thing is, i can see TweIve killing animegayboy69 if his partner was lynched on d1, especially if animegayboy69's hard

Mirasical 28d 2h +1 pretty sure anime was being ironic since his __ing name says ANIMEGAYBOY69 noob admin




over 11 years
Do you poke yourself?
when i think about you
anonymousover 11 years
ur qt
i kno
deletedover 11 years
95 minutes, you fucking gay catman
i don't think i could fuck a gay catman for that long, i'd get tired
deletedover 11 years
other people are using our 'i did it!' we are starting a trend man
we did it!
anonymousover 11 years
Why do gay people feel the need of constantly saying they are gay. You are the vegans of sex.
does it make you feel...un~comfortable? ^.^


2 / 15Knight Devout
2 / 25Objection!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 20On the Trail
over 9 years
bomb sticker cuz ur the bomb
over 9 years
i like u
deletedover 9 years
Im quite mean
deletedover 9 years
Same. Except I think would just saying I was a b**** would be easier
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
when all the episodes come out and I can see it in 2 sittings we'll be good 2 go
over 9 years
I'm in
over 9 years
d-do you like me
over 9 years
when are you going to run again gira
over 9 years
my biggest regret in life is not using the name animegayboy69 when i signed up
over 9 years
rip best status message
over 9 years
hey look @ my vid
over 9 years
*mmph* poke
over 9 years
*acts cool and ironic around gira while secretly pining for his attention & approval*
over 9 years
completely heterosexual and not gay at all
over 9 years
You're a qt
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
this guy shares my birthday so I have to use him as an avi
over 9 years
+k for saika totsuka, Hayato is better tho =^.~=