

Webcomics machine (Gaming Guardians, Dungeons and Denizens, Carpe Diem) and prolific short story writer, Graveyard Greg has been through the very fires of hell and back, only to discover he forgot his keys.

about 11 years
Come back ;_;
almost 12 years
+k because you're awesome!! :D
deletedalmost 12 years
almost 12 years
+k'd(: return? <3
deletedalmost 12 years
almost 12 years
+k'd you
almost 12 years
plussed :)
almost 12 years
why all the hate? ♥ thank you
deletedalmost 12 years
+k'd, return? ♥
almost 12 years
+K and FR for ya. :)
almost 12 years
I'm not. Everything is fine we just tend to argue about stupid petty stuff because we have nothing else to argue about.
about 12 years
Aww thanks so are you :D
about 12 years
Thanks for being my friiiiiend. <3
deletedabout 12 years
+K even tho you hate spinach ;-;
about 12 years
creative avatar dude
deletedabout 12 years
+k you're cool hehe
about 12 years
+K for being awesome