if you went to your maman's funeral, would you cry?
already answered. u tried to entrap me with mowgli's lyrics and u try to entrap me with camus reference but i don't reply in kind (viz., with stale references)
anonymousover 11 years
If your mother died, would you cry at her funeral?
yeh thanks man, like I still like the V but I gotta say lately the D is so much more appealing.
deletedalmost 12 years
Being told to do something whilst drunk is a horrible thing. I now have no more spaghetti too.
deletedalmost 12 years
Also Shadok is back I see, I trolled that dude so hard 10/10 would do again.
deletedalmost 12 years
lol, what a douche. I don't really care too much because I don't even bother with the wiki anymore, but like that was a great article and I don't really see any reasonable arguments for deleting it outright, I mean, it's a fucking wiki so even if there was some sort of quality standards(are there now? I haven't even looked in ages) anyone could edit it to bring them in line as such and if anything there should be a list of such pages compiled and then wiki editors work at bringing them into compliance rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
deletedalmost 12 years
yeh so I haven't really been paying much attention to this trash site, what's going on with Tek exactly.. And like when did I abuse my powahs I don't even remember doing that lol.