Before you crack the shits at me, know that there were four scenarios when Kriz had that gun. First, if she was town and did have a gun...sure...shooting her was the same as lynching...but there were three other scenarios to that situation. Second she could have been given a fake gun as town and died upon shooting. If so, we would've been left into three way and I could've more accurately made my lynch. Third, she could have been mafia lying about a fake gun, and having no gun to shoot...refusing to shoot may have meant she lied about the gun she had. And lastly, she could have been mafia with the real gun...refusing to shoot because both of her cc's were bombs. There was no reason for her not to shoot unless she was scum and therefore I urged her to shoot or else I lynched her. She shot me. That should've been an indicator to you and planes but I guess you're both too thick headed. Before criticizing my actions you might want to be able to comprehend the intent behind them.
deletedover 12 years
4/7 vs. 3/7 compared to lynching, from town's perspective, they would have to lynch based only on THEIR knowledge, so with the individual out of the picture AND with a vig claiming it would be 5/7 lynching between, and only 2/5 chance of lynching CORRECTLY 2/5= 40% 3/7= 42% BETTER ODDS ASSHOLE and if the vig SHOOTS CORRECTLY THEN WE GET ONE OF THE MAF OUT OF THE WAY. You, sir, are too pissed off by too many misfires that you get too pissed off at any vig that shoots, regardless of whether they hit maf or fool.
deletedover 12 years
If you like it then you should have put a ring on it ~ O WAIT! You did :3