deletedabout 12 years
Congratz on your first Kudos. K+ too for good hammer and fos! :D
about 12 years
yeah you scared me, thought you were so legit town
about 12 years
+k <3
about 12 years
I don't know why it didn't +1 u :/
about 12 years
You nominated STEM815 for a kudo!
about 12 years
agreed.. id kudos you if i knew how : (
about 12 years
What can you say, you did a good job :D
about 12 years
+k'ed. Played a few great games with you. I enjoy playing with you and you're an all-around great player. I hope to play with you more in the future. Also, I love your avatar. Lol
about 12 years
im sorry oh great one
about 12 years
+k :)
deletedabout 12 years
No you werent, but you really are a good player.
about 12 years
+k'd you. Good Game!
about 12 years
<3 Love ya <3


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