
North Carolina
part of  family

Prolly one of the best players on this site, not gonna lie.

Jk jk but if you +k me let me know and ill return the favor, ill accept friend requests!

If you think you may be interested in joining my family, Vertu, please inbox me with reasons why you think youre suitable (looking for experienced players).

Guise Tests

  1. Ask my favorite role (Answer is 6 letters long)

  2. Ask my favorite sport (Answer is 8 letters long and ends in ball.)

  3. Ask me about my wiener.

  4. Dont ask my avi because i honestly just googled "cool emblem" or some shit lolol


15 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 25Explosion!

Created Setups

over 12 years
1. What's a POS? 2. I didn't even report you so...lol
over 12 years
That wasn't very nice, that topic about me that you made. Please don't do things like that again. Thank you.
over 12 years
You're so fucking lucky I'm such a better scumhunter than you and I was on your team
over 12 years
your mum is next time
over 12 years
Hey don't be raging boi. There's a whole lot of different styles and I seem to frown upon yours. Let me remind you that the point of the game is to convince the town that you're legit. Try to be more methodical and less unpredictable.
deletedover 12 years
why would i do that when im already the best player in the game. I dont give a fuck about anyone on this website. i dont know any of you and never will. Im not here to make people happy.
deletedover 12 years
ok, when you fizzle out, remember that i tried to warn you. gl with yoru epicmafia adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedover 12 years
i'm actually extremely serious when i tell you to tone it down since i've gone the path you're on and you'll crash and burn if you don't keep your mind open to the idea that you're not at your peak and have a lot to learn.
deletedover 12 years
RIP Vertguuuuuuuu
deletedover 12 years
I reread the game I had to leave while in graveyard. I laughed so hard at "I want Laurie to apologize if I"m right." Oh man, you are quite cocky. You have tunneled me 2 games in a row, you'll eventually catch a game I'm mafia. You tunnel WAY too much and instead of giving good reasons, just say "It's the way I play." You tunneled TWO players the game before and were absolutely wrong on both. Tone it down and stop and think. You've GOT to back it up with reasoning if you want the confidence of your town. "Because its the way I play" is not a good reason.
deletedover 12 years
Lol you are a good scumhunter...but...uh...I can't say that about your rapping!!! xD
deletedover 12 years
you're not as good as you think you are. don't be too cocky next time, you'll just embarrass yourself.
deletedover 12 years
+K'ed you! Liked the chat we had...you're interesting :)
deletedover 12 years
i'm going to be nice about this and tell you now: you're not one of the best players on EM. don't let your gold trophy get to your head. you've got potential, but you're too cocky. i expect good things from you if you tone it down and keep trying to get better than you are now.
over 12 years
Congratulations! An honor to play with you throughout the round. Let's see if I can get a real run going now... :D
over 12 years
deletedover 12 years
Congrsts :)
over 12 years
Gratz on gold bro!
over 12 years
Congratz on your gold!