The hentai kind of makes it unattractive to me. I'll try it though, if I can't handle it I'm sure there are patches to remove that stuff. As for Fate/Zero I've already watched the anime, I would read the novels but I've got seven or eight other books I'm reading right now.
deletedover 12 years
Also is the F/SN VN worth playing? I've only seen the anime+F/Z
Oh goodness! Your life must be so hectic! It must be entertaining though ^-^''....I wish I could go to somewhere in the UK to study, it'd be a wonderful experience. I'd probably want to go into medicine as a major & art/psychology/law as I minor. I'm not quite sure on that! I love swimming, although, I'm not that good at it c:
Oh goodness, winter is my favourite season ever! I'm in my last year of high school, so I'm working on applications & things for university. What about you? I quite enjoy learning things from you as well ^-^''
Oh wow! That sounds amazing! I didn't really do much for summer though; just sat around really and played on the internet/ watched anime. I hope I can play with you as well! ^-^"
Sorry that i haven't been online lately, i visited my friends and now I am going to study hard. I hope that i will find more time in future to spend playing with you.