Rofl you can't give me a violation without a reason just cuz you're butthurt. Come at me bro
deletedover 12 years
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the reports have been legitimate, but the infractions not severe enough for you to receive a violation/note yet. I meant to cool it an stop calling people "retard", "faggot", etc. Also, shittalking me isn't really the best move, considering that I'm a moderator.
Tamano they're all horse shit which is why I haven't been given a violation. Using your retard logic I can spam someone with bs reports and get them banned even though they're all bs.
deletedover 12 years
I notice you're getting a lot of reports against you for hateful comments. Nothing on its own is enough for a violation (yet), but I'm going to have to ask you to tone it down from now on.