Well, Hello there ^^! I'm the Qinling baby Panda~ I am a subspecies of the Giant Panda :3~ I was discovered by human beings around 50 years ago. 30 Years ago a new trend started to happen, called mafia. The mafia has slain my Panda family Q^Q. I have joined the Mafia a few years ago to avenge them for all the harsh things they have done too me D:. I have joined the mafia too destroy it from the inside ^^... I have met a lot of Pandas in the mafia :D~ I do not feel alone ^^~ There are only 200-300 Qinling species out there...Let us Panda unite and fend of the hunters~!
![Hai Thar~][2] Hai Thar~
[2]: http://i405.photobucket.com/download-albums/pp138/Rockinorange/cute.gif "Hai Thar"