Yes I'm coming over be sure to sterilize the needles or else I'm not doing anything.
deletedalmost 12 years
It's dragonite! Much better than jirachi...and yeah, snow is the most beautiful thing!!!
deletedalmost 12 years
very good! we just got 10 inches of snow today after yesterday--when it was warm enough to go outside in shorts! missouri weather is soooo weird. im glad im getting to talk to you though! do party more often:)
deletedalmost 12 years
Gearmow, you are the cutest son a mother could have! ily even if you do have plans to fake my treason and get me killed in order to take over.
deletedalmost 12 years
helloooooo how are you? i love your background!
deletedalmost 12 years
and i want you to have you a good night and i want you to have a good day everyone knows i say weird things but it's going to be okay. do do do do i love you
deletedalmost 12 years
look at my most recent games and then just laugh and laugh and laugh