
A Saturday night kinda pink
in love with 
deletedabout 12 years
It helps distract me from stuff. The I'm thinking to put some of it up on YouTube because I've got so many songs I wanna offload from my head, it's getting a little clustered up there. The lyrics need improving though, they're all about death and stuff... no one wants to listen to that xD
deletedabout 12 years
I liked it because it reminds me of the music I'm currently writing, its a little too fast though ;3 My stuff is a bit slow and more... Whispey, as people have said. That's where I got my nickname for you.
deletedabout 12 years
Wewt, but don't say anything to Arbor or Ichi :D Which song is it? I need some more musics to listen too c:?
about 12 years
Ah, doll, you're no scum. <3 :3 Maybe we should just divorce Ichiro and Japter and marry each other. ;D SORRY, DICKY. I LOVE YOU.
deletedabout 12 years
I know right. It is annoying. I would marry you but........................ blegh is it too late to ask now? ;_;
deletedabout 12 years
You all mean everything to me, if I could I would marry everyone ;_; <3
about 12 years
Oh psh, Whispwhores, you're just jealous. </3 And you're married to the scummm.
deletedabout 12 years
Well hello there, wifey ;3
deletedabout 12 years
no she's my soulmate baka
about 12 years
I dont have a stache anymore ._.
deletedabout 12 years
you know i almost proposed my love to you because i hate seeing 'single' on my profile but then gingie came and swept me off my feet. oooh, gingie <3
about 12 years
I like your page so much ♥
about 12 years
Join my family now. kthxbai. <3
deletedabout 12 years
Not my electric guitar >:3 Especially at midnight, but sometimes you just gotta play... c:
about 12 years
>asks luicd to restore account
>forgets password
gj :P also your still banned dont forget ;)
deletedabout 12 years
Naturally ;3 Us creepy pervs and our 'x's. I like those pics, especially the first one. You inspired me to take up my guitar again ;p (not sure if that's a good thing, my neighbours say it isn't)
about 12 years
Sounds like we'll have to then :'3
about 12 years
I think that would just about make my year. we could so synchtube and watch it. sigh..
deletedabout 12 years
How did you know? ;o maybe it was the 'x' at the end of my last message. I knew those x's would get me caught out someday. Well we are all perv's ;3 in our own special ways
deletedabout 12 years
Why pervy? ;-; and why a bus? ;-;