
in love with someone gone



7 / 10Scumhunter
6 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 15New Sheriff in Town
2 / 10I'm Towntelling!
2 / 20Do No Harm
over 12 years
i got this shot and it made me sick LOL and im gonna be moving into my own apartment pretty soon :0 hbu?
over 12 years
LOL youre so dumb i was getting pissed off cause of you.
over 12 years
oh gross its you.
deletedover 12 years
Zomg ur alive!
deletedover 12 years
well if you were blue that would confirm me fake and you still have all 3 pr's alive. if you were lawyer which at the time i was fairly certain you were then town would be in a great position. i had townreads on valk/turq/straight, honestly the d1 check on you was because i thought if you were maf you'd claim cop. lastly if you were pr you coulda claimed town pr (not hardclaim) and i would be lynched for 2 scum. as it was me being lynched wouldn't confirm you either way and i didn't want to take that chance. i +k'd you btw for understanding that i had to do what i had to do to win the game, most people can't get that past themselves.
deletedover 12 years
sorry about that, but just understand that lynching you as a blue claim was a very low risk way to prove i was cop, and had you lynched me day 1 then there's no way town would have won.
over 12 years
in fact it looks like you are the one who is sore
over 12 years
See what happens when you are mean to ppl :(
deletedover 12 years
i should be extra careful.. i should have read the day before killing.. as i would normally do... trust me dude.. i will make it upto u.. i owe you 2 wins.... and its not your fault.. anybody would think that.. actually if i had lost i was eligible for gt... its just that i feel extremely bad.. i just dont know how to fix this..
deletedover 12 years
i read that game to see why i missed the doctor... i missed tiger's claim because of the spam.. and later when u claimed doc, and esteban said ''hammer jagged'' i thought doc had not claimed and esteban was doc.. and i am also very disturbed that u thought i was throwing... u should not have claimed doc.. but now i feel bad.. coz u think i am throwing... i understand ur concern.. i shouldnt have missed the doc claim.. i am relieved that the game vegd..
deletedover 12 years
luckily we got that heart back... i fucked up real bad.. i thought esteban was doc..
deletedover 12 years
It was overturned, mofo. Read the rules.
over 12 years
you gave it to me colty <333333333
deletedover 12 years
let's hold hands and talk it out :3
over 12 years
colton, why dont you ever pick up your phone :3
deletedover 12 years
u really are amazing dude.. i tried to win against u by not killing u, and it is pretty much impossible..
over 12 years
Lololol I BS all my reads and I never have "real" reasons for shit lolol
over 12 years
OMG HOW COULD U HAMMER ON ME I WAS OBVIOUS TOWN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG (jk I'm kind of bored and saw ur name on the top of the round scoreboard so decided to comment)
deletedover 12 years
you are great pogo and i think you are god.
almost 13 years
I really wanted you raped xD but I have to go on a trip, hope to see you with another trophy when I come back though