well if you were blue that would confirm me fake and you still have all 3 pr's alive. if you were lawyer which at the time i was fairly certain you were then town would be in a great position. i had townreads on valk/turq/straight, honestly the d1 check on you was because i thought if you were maf you'd claim cop. lastly if you were pr you coulda claimed town pr (not hardclaim) and i would be lynched for 2 scum. as it was me being lynched wouldn't confirm you either way and i didn't want to take that chance. i +k'd you btw for understanding that i had to do what i had to do to win the game, most people can't get that past themselves.
deletedover 12 years
sorry about that, but just understand that lynching you as a blue claim was a very low risk way to prove i was cop, and had you lynched me day 1 then there's no way town would have won.
i should be extra careful.. i should have read the day before killing.. as i would normally do... trust me dude.. i will make it upto u.. i owe you 2 wins.... and its not your fault.. anybody would think that.. actually if i had lost i was eligible for gt... its just that i feel extremely bad.. i just dont know how to fix this..
deletedover 12 years
i read that game to see why i missed the doctor... i missed tiger's claim because of the spam.. and later when u claimed doc, and esteban said ''hammer jagged'' i thought doc had not claimed and esteban was doc.. and i am also very disturbed that u thought i was throwing... u should not have claimed doc.. but now i feel bad.. coz u think i am throwing... i understand ur concern.. i shouldnt have missed the doc claim.. i am relieved that the game vegd..
deletedover 12 years
luckily we got that heart back... i fucked up real bad.. i thought esteban was doc..
OMG HOW COULD U HAMMER ON ME I WAS OBVIOUS TOWN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG (jk I'm kind of bored and saw ur name on the top of the round scoreboard so decided to comment)