
married to 
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The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands!




about 11 years
You hit 10k views :)
I love you, so I'm not gonna say anything about this not being a quesiton. When you hit 10K I'm gonna get a cookie :)
anonymousabout 11 years
you are blind
Not a question, but I have 20/20 vision
about 11 years
You're right it was me <3
I dont get it, but I love you
about 11 years
You are blind! Retard! Psychopath!
I agree
anonymousabout 11 years
Who is your one true love?


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Scumhunter
20 / 25Eye of the Beholder

Created Setups

over 11 years
+k'd(: return? <3
over 11 years
over 11 years
he wrote it lol
over 11 years
over 11 years
I hope you come back cherry <3 i made you an avatar :*
over 11 years
Oh ok. That's cool dude, I respect you for that. Grades > Mafia, any day. Thanks again and bye for now!
over 11 years
But before you go you gotta accept my friend request lol.
over 11 years
Nice to hear from you :) And thanks. Seeya!
over 11 years
However...if you really do decide to leave forever--and I'm sure that you have very good reason to--then I fully respect your decision. It was wonderful playing with you. Have fun with the rest of your life, wherever it may take you. :)
over 11 years
Take a look at Round 79. I see 780 people who competed. You came FOURTH out of ALL of them. This isn't a disappointment, if anything it's just something to push you forward because what you did is still incredible. I know you have what it takes. You won it once, you can do it again. Don't let this be your final memory of this place; come back soon and just keep on trying. You can do it again.
over 11 years
plus back to you :D
deletedover 11 years
Hey great run :) way to press on and 4th is still super!!!!!
over 11 years
cherry hurry up and win
deletedover 11 years
i am a girl. i have a hot bod and i pick apples out of the water w/ my breasts. if u dont send me 300 dollars tonight i will come 2 ur house 2night and make a mess of ur pots n pans.
over 11 years
Like, you should get out of your basement and get destress a bit
over 11 years
Ehh, I have good days and bad days. Some days I play well, but other days I'm as bad as a noob.
over 11 years
Sorry I had to lead a lynch on your partner with an overturn to you. Still hope you win the round!
over 11 years
KYLE! Yeah I thought I'd check in! I see you're killin' it in the round, I hope you win another trophy ;)
deletedover 11 years
i lied i trust in you
deletedover 11 years
out of confusion