
I am ur guardian angel
part of  family



deletedover 11 years
You're so b0otyful <-- See whut i did dare? C:
deletedover 11 years
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
maybe like 200? I dont lick my lollis i suck em so idk
deletedover 11 years
Y you so mean to me and nice to everyone else does that mean I suck extra hard
I am not mean 2 u : ( drake is attractive and bushy eyebrows = power. I am sorry if I offended u!
over 11 years
You a fucking bitch yo my niggas gonna gang rape yo ass
anonymousover 11 years
did you know that sgr's name means Esse Gay Ass Raaizer?


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 25Explosion!
about 10 years
I would take elephant ears. Would be pretty badass no?
about 10 years
but if I tell you something funny to say to tell me then I would already know it and I wouldnt be surprised in the end!! sometimes you can be so silly boots ;]
about 10 years
about 10 years
hi b0oty so apparently we were matched together in melody's "eMelody".

I just want to say that, although I am honored that someone like me would be matched with you, I don't think it will work out.

I am hoping, however, that we remain/become friends. :)
about 10 years
i'm supposed to see that shit soon
about 10 years
im not scared
about 10 years
Also I'm suppose to piss off
about 10 years
I'm am doing well and you are fine, what a coincidence
about 10 years
tell me something funny, darling boots
about 10 years
poor puffy booty. and babe what are you talking about im hardly on your wall
about 10 years
hi b0oty long time no talk
about 10 years
You're a nut
about 10 years
b0oty where you at
about 10 years
dont go i love you
about 10 years
about 10 years
4.30 is no good
about 10 years
I'd need your time zone you spastic
about 10 years
what dis fucking sucks. pretty sure we never used to have this issue
about 10 years
booty boo where are you
about 10 years