Jesus christ ofc I'm not going to continue playing ranked with you but I'm just trying to give you some advice and trying to improve training lobby on the whole. Now if you have actually read any of my comments you would know that outting inno as cop is beneficial as opposed to not outting the inno. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
deletedover 12 years
Fair enough but if you care about playing better then you would out your inno as cop.
deletedover 12 years
Just out your inno, look at my win rate and look at yours. I'm clearly the better player so listen to me.
deletedover 12 years
You joined my game to fearkill me. And my points are logical and easy to understand even for a 8yr old child. I will out innos as cop because it is the better strategy, and I want you to do so as well otherwise you will fuck up games. I'm not being arrogant, I'm just a really good player giving good advice.
deletedover 12 years
I gave you logical points as to why cop outs inno, and you responded in calling me a butthead. You know I'm right but you can't admit it just like you fearkill me but claim that you grudge kill me.
i actually look more of a thug atm with my shaved head :P
deletedover 12 years
yeah i know, it's just way more funnily associated with psych i think :P also, yes, spitting image :P i sing a mighty rocky road to dublin...
deletedover 12 years
you sound like you've watched psych
deletedover 12 years
b0oty, there's something you should know about me actually... i'm absolutely insane. charmingly though!
deletedover 12 years
YEAH BOOTY U DON'T SEEM SO BAD, NOT A MEANIE AT ALL, NO. i don't do the paypal though. the internet (i think it's a conspiracy) doesn't actually allow irish people to buy stuff off it... so... yeah... CAN I JUST BE IN THE CLUB ANYWAY??