
I got no game and every face looks the same

>Fucking up reports on day-start and non-trad setups all day long.

> Okay, so about.. a week ago I got reported for "cheating" with my SISTER, even though we did not discuss the game, but we were in the same room.

>Understandable, I guess, but then, every time we played a game together, they would find my profile and report each game. Well, two days ago, I got lobby banned.

>I was really upset, but remembered the option to make an alternate account. So I did, and got reported for THAT, even though the website gives you that option. I just find this really unfair, and I'm so frustrated I want to cry.

>I'm not about to stop playing on EM, but I'm not going to be treated like this, AND I don't want to make a new account, because I PAID for some of the features I have on this account. Thank you so much for listening to me rant. <3

>Hello everyone in epicmafia!

>I want to inform everyone, that I'm NOT a cheater! I liked kobe as a friend becuase a while back on my main account he liked the same basketball team as me.

>I don't like being called a cheater, here are some of the stratgies I use.

>I act very stupid and I pertend I don't know whats going on.

>I act so stupid they think im just stupid.

>But, this is Thetaco, My main account which shall remain nameless has won a trophy more then once! I know enough about the game to spot a cheater,

>I reviewed the evidence, and it DOES seem like me and kobe cheated, but in reality, we didn't.

>I always like to be aware of whats happening in and out of the game, so I always ask whats happening in the graveyard, People are saying I asked too many questions in the graveyard in games kobe won, but if you review the games, Theres nothing I could of told kobe, ( Nothing kobe said ) that shows I cheated!

>I live in a christian and Buddhism practicing family and I would never do something such as cheating, This is more immoraly wrong then ddosing someone livestreaming for a childrens hospital ( Which i've only done once )

>I paid money for this game, I was wondering if its bannable to make a new account and pay for more coins so I can redeem myself, if I dont get unbanned becuase I never cheated!





anonymousalmost 11 years
noticed you came back :)


4 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Death Row
1 / 10Gotcha!
deletedalmost 11 years
who has this acc rn?
over 12 years
Thanks for that. It does put my improvements into perspective.
over 12 years
LMAO your bio
deletedover 12 years
eat dick you stupid fuck
over 12 years
that wasn't clever at all
over 12 years
Yes, I'm terrible. I never claimed to be good.
deletedover 12 years
not that I can remember. D:
over 12 years
You're playing games again. \o\ /o/
deletedover 12 years
Come back :(
almost 13 years
What will I do without you in Kewtness?
deletedalmost 13 years
Sure you don't mind?
almost 13 years
You did good that game too, don't doubt yourself :) +k back.
deletedalmost 13 years
almost 13 years
Since I already alt slipped when they were talking about our nice family I've been drifting around main.
How have you been?
deletedalmost 13 years
i'm terrible at cod, ask voltron
deletedalmost 13 years
i prefer raging at EM to raging at, like, call of duty
deletedalmost 13 years
theres nothing wrong with autisming out over this game. ive found its a better anger outlet than most other games.
deletedalmost 13 years
extremely, but i wasnt going to point it out
deletedalmost 13 years
Maaaan~ Shu was so much more badass during the trapped in school arc. Seeing as he was going the way of the "tragic end" character in the last few episodes, it would have been FAR more fitting had he dramatically died with Inori somehow. I need to get into a new anime and change my avatar now. D: