
xo. Survivor lobby's resident princess
in love with someone gone
part of  family

Princess potle

RIP bff x infinity.

I love my peasants:



-Arianna my bff


-Shane h*e sl*t bag (gotta keep it clean EM),

-Lump of Cole,


-My trashy gay brother Logan gaga,

-Jevelyn (back off h8rs),

-Fails Caels,

-Chris from Iowa,





-xoxoxo NickiJayCee my one and only love in this life,

-NoOne21 :3,

-Baby J,


-Mittens with Kittens

-Mother Mary Vlad

-My twin.

xo If I forgot you it's because you are so flawless I just didn't want the h8rs to h8 u kno?



almost 10 years
hi i love you <3
about 10 years
imy a lot. <3
I miss you too twin xo :-*
deletedover 10 years
I don't think these things through. UMMMMMM wouddld you rather be always hot or always cold?
Always hot (when am I not?) ;)
deletedover 10 years
Would you rather stay a princess or find your prince?
That makes no sense, if I found my prince I would still be a princess?
deletedover 10 years
Just saw your status bar thingy and I think it should read 'Survivor Lobby's Resident Princess.' xo.
good idea :)


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20He's Batman
almost 12 years
It was fun playing with you! It was also fun finding out that you're 18 and Canadian like I am! Crazy, eh?
almost 12 years
Je suis un genie
almost 12 years
J'ai aucune idée où est Byward Market c'est probablement au centre-ville et je n'aime pas le centre-ville.
almost 12 years
Well isn't that fancy, congrats on your new job :) even though I have no idea where marche byward is
almost 12 years
I saw you creeping on my profile, you stalker <3
almost 12 years
Ca va bien, comme d'habitude. Vous?
deletedalmost 12 years
LOL! Look at how uncomfortable those girls look when he approaches them, aha. Dying. xo
almost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
Aw twin, thank youuuu <3. I miss you :( xo.
deletedalmost 12 years
no u :3
almost 12 years
Comment ca?
deletedabout 12 years
Happy Easter, twin. ♥
deletedabout 12 years
omgg, i lovee it! :') <3
deletedabout 12 years
imy too. :( i've been so distant from you & all of my close friends. like, this site is just going downhill.... :/
deletedabout 12 years
v I miss her more! ily twin. ♥
about 12 years
Miss you boo </3
about 12 years
ummmmmmmmmm okay thennnnn
about 12 years
I don't want you to fail, I said I hope you're fine with it if you're not going to study :P
deletedabout 12 years
OMG. Don't, twin. You'll get me hooked.. srsly. <3
deletedabout 12 years
& Ugh, she deleted all my comments YET she just loves to talk about me on Skype & her 'ask wall - Obsessive, much? I saved this, though. http://i45.tinypic.com/1zc0igz.png Talk about saying it how it is.. hm, twin? ♥