

Some find me a good mafia player. Some find me inspiring. Some find me a genius tactician. Some call me a troll.

"I love you V- You inspire me to unlock my full potential"-identityfraud

"You sir, are a true genius when it comes to finding mafia" - Crazeh

"You are not a just a troll, you are a beautiful troll." -skezp

"You may be annoying as hell, but dammit, if you aren't the greatest mafia player of all time."- Sarahgear


Friends (4)


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20Do No Harm
over 13 years
An awful player, truly, I've never seen someone be so sure of themselves, yet so atrociously bad in my whole time on EpicMafia
over 13 years
V, tell me, how does it feel to know that although u spend so much time in kitchen, men are still better cooks?