
Maple Syrup Land.
married to 
part of  family

Hello there! I'm Cutie =)

and I'm cute! \(^ω^\)

♫ When you've bungled all your bangles And your loved ones have been mangled Listen to the jingle jangle Of my gypsy tambourine♫

please leave me a comment to let me know if you give me +k because I would LOVE to return it to you =)

I'm a pegasister and I'm proud. Deal with it. ;)




over 11 years
Your father is your favorite person on EM isn't he?
yes! <3
anonymousover 11 years
Who is your favorite person from EM ever?
that's a tough one haha, I love so many of them!! ♥
anonymousover 11 years
u r kinda annoying
ouch =[
anonymousover 11 years
Never mind about the PM... I guess I need to friend you first. I'll just Friend you.
hehe! =) yaay! =D
anonymousover 11 years
Who's your favorite pony? Mine's Pinkie Pie. (Keeping this anon cuz the site is filled with swarms of MLP haters. I'll pm you who I am.)
I love all of them!!! \(^ω^\) (and okiee! ^.^)


14 / 20Super Sleuth!
8 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
5 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 10I'm Batman.

Created Setups

almost 13 years
+k Please return :D
almost 13 years
+K'd you for the holiday thing.
almost 13 years
+k return please :)
almost 13 years
:D Rarity is best pony! Gotta shell out some coins, I think its 10 coins to get the background changed. :D
deletedalmost 13 years
+k'd, return? ^_^
almost 13 years
Gimme some love. :D +k
almost 13 years
+'d :)
almost 13 years
+k'ed to 43 karma lol.
almost 13 years
Give me your hotmail ;)
almost 13 years
returned ;)
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
Get online! lol
almost 13 years
returned now that I can +k!
almost 13 years
But u still haven't changed it -_-
almost 13 years
I'm not in ur fav people? :O Disgraceful!
almost 13 years
+k returned
almost 13 years
Love you :)
almost 13 years
... you deleted it all? are you a pig?!?! take everyone else off your faavs lissttt! Or I'll take you (My ONLY favorite person) off mine. WORD
almost 13 years
You've changed it back! *Goes to change bio again*
almost 13 years
Oh? I'm in ur 'other favourite people' huh? Fine. I see how it is. *Goes in a strop and takes you off favourite people list*