And I did say multiple times d2 to lynch gordon, you know who i lynched d3? Lokito.
I do that sometimes, just to check out the nightkill. The moment I wasn't killed, I realised lokito was probably maf, since there was no way gordon would keep me alive with me tunneling on him like that.
Well, Count was towntelling for me d2, and hence I didn't want him lynched. Since you forced the lynch and the other clear sheeped you, I had no choice. If we'd got Gordon that day, I was pretty sure it was lokito/count the next day, and we'd have hammered correctly. Anyway, fuck speculations. Read the GY of that game, just for some insight. And the fact that you said sorry lokito, i have to hammer this, just did it for me. :| Anyway, I didn't neg you, I think these things happen, just that I expected better. meh.
You know what, I think this was my second or third game with you, and I think you got your logics correct, but are pathetic with your reads:
1. I would NEVER have VOTED against count on lylo, hence we'd force nl till you died, and then gotten the maf lynched like I had planned initially.
2. Stop counting your lynching count as a reason for winning this, I had you pegged better than this, you dimwit. I honestly am sad I won this game with YOU, as you don't deserve this win.
3. Was I fucking scummy? So many townreads: My rxn to his fake report, I got the maf, even when I had him pegged wrong. You had a fucking townread on lokito first.
4. You're not much of a player IMO. I wonder how you got that trophy.
deletedover 13 years
He didn't push you for scum, though, he said you were his stronger townread. He didn't bring it up to try and get Fruitloop on you, he was just paranoid.
deletedover 13 years
Kinda glad that unranked. NOWN never pushed on you, and Fruitloop coasted all day pretending to fencesit. You need to get your head in the game.
Stars: That was a 5 way with TWO CLEARS. We had the night to talk things over. That other is an interesting strategy, though. If we had had one cop left alive, I would definitely have lynched between the two possible gfs. As is: We were guaranteed a clear in the last day, turning that situation into a guaranteed 50/50 instead of a threeway LYLO. The safest way to play in that game was to lynch Atikur.
I do that sometimes, just to check out the nightkill. The moment I wasn't killed, I realised lokito was probably maf, since there was no way gordon would keep me alive with me tunneling on him like that.