
part of  family

My name is Alsark and I like bubbles baths, long walks on the beach, karaoke, sword fighting, wrestling sharks, eating alligators, and rescuing children from burning buses. If I interest you, send me a message!

over 13 years
dat map LMAO
over 13 years
returned to 16 .
over 13 years
awesome gandhi, +k for u too ^_^
deletedover 13 years
CCing cop there was bad for a variety of reasons. One was that I'd look scummy for CCing after the guilty, and that would prevent me from saccing the next night, which would allow the probable real cop to get two reports. I figured sacrificing myself to take out both PR's would be worth it to put you in a favorable position.

And I can't +K because I need 2000 points, but I'll return once I get the necessary amount.
deletedover 13 years
Hey nice game there. By the way I wasn't game throwing by not claiming cop, I knew it would result in 4 way with no clears and I thought that woulda been a good position for you. I'd +K if I could.
about 14 years
come back