Gamethrowing ... hooker (octavia) say hes the hooker to the only clear role (who is vigi) (zazzles), while fool is dead.
I hate octavia and his gamethrowing, wow!
User suspended and heart refunded in the future please post in the reports thread though. Heart refund thread is only for when you lose a heart due to server problems.
En plus t'es québécois.. Jveux dire, pourquoi ta claimer doc.. C'est stupide! C'est sur que le vrai doc va te fos'er x1000! Meme si apres tu dis que c'est pas vrai, on peut penser que c'est juste pour te sauver la face.. Sérieusement, taurais jamais du claimer doc... Stait vraiment cave. Jte -k pas pcq stait unranked, mais jappelle ca troller.
Gamethrowing ... hooker (octavia) say hes the hooker to the only clear role (who is vigi) (zazzles), while fool is dead.
I hate octavia and his gamethrowing, wow!
User suspended and heart refunded
in the future please post in the reports thread though. Heart refund thread is only for when you lose a heart due to server problems.