
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family
deletedalmost 12 years
Omg I have never +k'd you! Weird!! So, +k'd.
almost 12 years
Then I may or may not have plussed you.
almost 12 years
I guess I won't if you don't want it
almost 12 years
Ah, sorry. I passed on your message. It seems I can play "games" on my other computer, but it's 12 years old and dying so even then it's slow =P Thanks.
almost 12 years
Can I plus you yet?
almost 12 years
+k. thanks for replying to my main lobby inquiry! ill try to pay it forward, cheers
almost 12 years
Long time, no see.
deletedalmost 12 years
Incorrect because i would've started AP. Hence why I wanted to trade for him ~.~
deletedalmost 12 years
Your kick made a 60+ yard field goal... And welker played like shit. So you got lucky :p
almost 12 years
Saw the new death message. I'm less enraged.
almost 12 years
Heard about your death message. I'm enraged it's gone.
almost 12 years
LMFAO. I can't believe they made you change that. Two thumbs up, bro.
deletedalmost 12 years
mhm. i believe that fully.
deletedalmost 12 years
lmao, mods made you change that? Talk about oversensitive.
deletedalmost 12 years
I miss your death message. :(
almost 12 years
It was a good death message. ;-; Poor jahead.
almost 12 years
what was your death massage?
almost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
What was your death message?
almost 12 years
What was your death message?