
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family
almost 13 years
lol yeah, well i liked it when i visited. oh i'm sure Temple will help you find one. are you dorming?
almost 13 years
thanks :) westchester community college, wanna transfer to rutgers or suny albany after a semester or two. & life's okay, would be better if i had a job lol
almost 13 years
well i missed my appointment with the advisors and i think the last day to pay is tomorrow. i'm work something out though. lol anyway how's life?
almost 13 years
like, i havent been trying to get financial aid or get my classes. i wasnt preparing to actually get in a school either >.<
almost 13 years
wow that's a good school! umm i havent been preparing for it :/ stupid me.
almost 13 years
niceee. what college, if you dont mind me asking? and eh i dont know if im going anymore :/
almost 13 years
Lol i'll check it out sometime. are you in/going to school?
almost 13 years
LOL, mehhh v.v. is that show any good? I always hear about it
almost 13 years
what are you up to? :p
almost 13 years
SORRRRRY I didnt know what to write lolol =3
almost 13 years
facebook bores me now D; don't remember the last time i logged in lol
almost 13 years
i'm good too :) yes really annoying.. especially when you're bored in a game & there's nothing really else to do
almost 13 years
Holaaa! what's up? sucks that you can't comment when in a game.
almost 13 years
*POKES* =3
almost 13 years
Im glad you are showed him the greatest film ever made :)
almost 13 years
plussed.. please return
deletedabout 13 years
hey you're now at 20 karma so you can join the competitive lobby :)
about 13 years
Please rate up my role http://www.epicmafia.com/role/1188
i +k'ed you to 16 karma.
about 13 years
+K for mafia team :)
about 13 years
i messaged you