
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family
almost 12 years
Un negged you and plussed you to 71 :)
deletedalmost 12 years
Yea, she smells... like heaven <3
deletedalmost 12 years
LOL What a loser. I'd pity her if she wasn't so boss at CoD.
almost 12 years
Why am I NOT on your profile as "Champion of Russian Roulette" ?
almost 12 years
Also i'm jelly you got the Karma 69 :D
almost 12 years
LOL, I'm swell. We should play Cheat sometime, or maybe Vivor ☻▬☻
almost 12 years
I can play for a few right now. Invite me. lol im playing "infected". Idk wtf it is, but im winning.
almost 12 years
Right, right. Almost forgot. Ok, I'll stay. Care to skype and xbox it up?
almost 12 years
Oh, really? Why's that?
almost 12 years
hmmm... Ok I'll let you know then. I think I might be going out in a bit.
almost 12 years
Sorry about yesterday, I napped and then forgot to wake up :/ We can play today though :D
almost 12 years
Heyy buddeh, got kinda bored so deleted the fam :)
Anyways, How's you doing mate?
I'll join your new fam once i transform into a no-avi,Lmao XD. *pokes*
deletedalmost 12 years
I hate Nyan. She should just stop.
almost 12 years
What a slut! It's like my life's mission to give you 69. Erm, keep you at 69? erm, ya. You know what I mean.
deletedalmost 12 years
almost 12 years
I AM THE ONE YOU OWE A 69.... wait, that came out completely wrong.
deletedalmost 12 years
i actually fell asleep right after leaving that but +k WE JUST NEED ONE MORE KIND SOUL TO GET YOU BACK TO 69
almost 12 years
WHO NEGGED YOU TO 67?! aw man you just cant win
deletedalmost 12 years
This is insanity. Any chance my main could be an awkward honorary member?
deletedalmost 12 years