
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family
deletedalmost 12 years
Where'd you run off to, fawn pimp?
almost 12 years
Ew. Dem profile stalkers...that's a bit cray cray. ;3
almost 12 years
"Whoever is stalking my profile it's kinda funny how you have nothing else to do lol" ;3
almost 12 years
I don't have anything else to do, okay?! *cries in corner*
almost 12 years
Who the hell would be lame enough to stalk your karma? And thank you very much :)
almost 12 years
Thanks for the sticker! Did you have reasoning on the blue?
almost 12 years
LOL YOURE AT 70! next game we're in, I'll neg you.
deletedalmost 12 years
Not to be nice! That way you don't get +k but you're back down now. This is going to be a constant thing, isn't it?
deletedalmost 12 years
Sigh. What did I tell you about being nice to people? :(
almost 12 years
Oh, well, okay then
almost 12 years
But why
almost 12 years
I gotsta do I?
almost 12 years
Ranked and Sandbox :P
deletedalmost 12 years
thank you
almost 12 years
I know, and it is, and yes we do :P
almost 12 years
I don't see how it isn't completely awesome Jah.
almost 12 years
I probably confuse myself more than I confuse you.
almost 12 years
Why? :(
deletedalmost 12 years
Heyheyhey. You have too much karma, play a game with me and I'll fix that! ;D
almost 12 years
Because you wouldn't have said it in the first place.