
WOKEN Plissken. (Sign up for Justice Under Dictators And Scum today in the war against injustice!)
The Divine Kingdom
in love with 

I am now retired from hosting. All hail JamalMarley my lord and savior. You're looking at the proud newest member of The Holy Church of Jamal.


anonymousover 6 years
*gets on knees and unzips ur pants and gets slapped by a big dick.* ur fukin gay
You are trying to... 'roleplay' DELIGHTFUL. But it needs practice. Thou did not introduce characters and make it less naughty. Ja'al doth not approve.
anonymousover 6 years
it's so sad that this is what you spend your time doing. i'm sure your parents and those around you, would be super embarrassed if they found out that this what you spend your time doing.
HE will heal you, my child. WALK WITH HIM.
anonymousover 6 years
it's so sad that this is what you spend your time doing. i'm sure your parents and those around you, would be super embarrassed if they found out that this what you spend your time doing.
anonymousover 6 years
it's so sad that this is what you spend your time doing. i'm sure your parents and those around you, would be super embarrassed if they found out that this what you spend your time doing.
Yeee-eeee-eeees. Ja'al. Do your wonders. Aaaa-aaaaahhh. Yeee-eees.
anonymousover 6 years
If you aren't Jamal, then I feel sorry for you. Remove your weenie from Jamal's bleeding bum. If you are Jamal, you're an egomaniac with so many issues.
I am a humble follower of the lord, your Ja'al. Everyone loves Ja'al. The people are the ones with issues. HE heals. HE saves. HE loves. HE protects.


8 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 30Oxyclean
2 / 25Explosion!
2 / 20He's Batman
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
about 7 years
The Chosen One awaits.
about 7 years
You fools!
about 7 years
Thank the lord, your Jamal, that Plissken is dead and we don't have to sit through a pathetic, sad celebration of his idiotic would-be 3rd Year Anniversary of hosting his stupid crappy setups.
over 7 years
The Greatest Day is coming...

deletedover 7 years
Bobby Roode? What is this 2012?
over 7 years
what crimes
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
I'm serious. This better end soon.
over 7 years
Unban me from posting in the lobby or else bad things will happen. Do not mess with the Holy Church of Jamal or its members.
over 7 years
I think in a subtle way you actually should delete your account in a subtle way. ( Probably ) I also believe jamalmarley is a great user, etc, but you are indeed taking this too high m8.
over 7 years
delete your account
over 7 years
delete ur account
over 7 years
you were the chosen one.................

fuc.king jew
over 7 years
So many questions.
I'm not answering ALL of your questions, but I will address one.
Any other questions will have to be addressed to my profile page and be answered later.
Why, Plissken, Why?
All I've been hearing in this week I've been away...
in exile and banishment...
is Why, Pliss, Why?
I'll tell you why!
I saw... the light.
I came to the realization that it wasn't a war I was fighting.
I was fighting the future.
Plissken's 200th, truly was the end of the world as you knew it.
Because the world is much different now.
Because, as I stated on Day 7, I am now... retired.
And it feels good to be retired from hosting.
I was beaten by the much better all around user, Jamal and it wasn't even close.
I can be a man, although not as much of a man as Jamal, and admit that.
over 7 years
I am a liar, a fraud, a spammer, a scammer and I am not very good at making setups,
but I pretend people like my setups and me.
But I promise, Jamal, I will be better because I look up to you now.
No more of that meaningless crap that doesn't belong in this lobby.
This lobby belongs to Jamal.
I fully support Jamal.
All who would oppose Jamal are complete idiots.
And I am only grateful to Jamal for showing me how much of an idiot I truly was.
But there's a second chance for everyone and thankfully Jamal had his second coming
at Jamal's 200th.
Plissken's 200th will forever go down in the record books as nothing more...
than a shameless... scam-ridden... ad-spamming... snorefest that never had any purpose or reason.
I was a fool. Sandbox was dead until Jamal came here and has been in control.
I sacrificed myself in effigy to show my loyalty and I am forever holding the ugly branding...
of the name Plissken on my profile...
but as I stated during my final words the last time I was here..
over 7 years
You will no longer refer to me as Plissken...
and I shall no longer answer to that.
Plissken was a poor, sad, pathetic user and I don't wanna be that guy anymore.
I seek redemption under the rule of Jamal...
as The Artist Formerly Known As Plissken.
And with Jamal's Church... his Sandbox Militia and his beauty, brain and brawn that I could only wish to achieve
to appeal to the fairest females who are only interested in someone on the level of Jamal...
I hope to one day ascend to greatness.
Not that I could ever reach the status of my lord and saviour, JamalMarley
But just to be such that I can be a good reflection of his followers and not let down his grand image.
Praise be to JamalMarley.
I spit on the name and ideals of Plissken.
And as for Sandbox's present and future forever and eternity under the reign of our mighty king, Jamal...
There is only one word that sums up my feelings...
over 7 years
I have to announce that whether you joined or not this is still Judgement Day
One Must Live. One Must Die.
"It Will Be The End of the World As You Know It"
That was not a tagline.
We both can not stay here
And so...
I, Plissken, am announcing my retirement from hosting.
You people deserve JamalMarley
I have seen the light.
And the light is JamalMarley
Let it be known on this day
JamalMarley is my lord and savior
I accept JamalMarley as my superior
I desire to be part of HIS Church
I will no longer be known as Plissken
From now on you will refer to me as The Artist Formerly Known As Plissken
I will be using all of the tokens, prizes and special rewards to fund a special project in honor of JamalMarley
As punishment for being Jamal's inferior I am banishing myself into exile for the next week.
Farewell, Sandbox.
It was fun to pretend that my event mattered, but let's be honest
Jamal's 200th is all that matters
And this week is truly The End of the World As You Knew It
over 7 years
i cant believe that i haven't +k'd the one and only plissken

here's a +k
over 7 years

Earlier announced that:

Season 4 of Ghost: Plissken Edition coming June 22nd with new episodes every Thursday for 12 episodes, ending September 7th!