
Now I'm a woman of my word; ain't a coochie that's fatter. Don't compare me to them girls; they drier than Nevada.
in love with 
part of  family




deletedover 11 years
hi devin? (the question mark made it a question.)
how is that vocaroo. (the period made it an answer)
deletedover 11 years
how do you feel abour pork$has latest flop album floppior?
i still jam to it ^___^ how many #1 songs does YOUR new album have ? oh wait-- #flopganlol
over 11 years
back to the cucumber, that wasnt a yes or a no. So im assuming it was a yes.
no ;-;
over 11 years
do you like to kiss him on the lip lip?
tahts the kinda dude i was lookin 4
deletedover 11 years
free taiwan
free cookies


16 / 20Clint Eastwood
16 / 25Explosion!
13 / 15New Sheriff in Town
13 / 25Objection!
12 / 20He's Batman
deletedalmost 13 years
thanks :) i'd return but not enough points
deletedalmost 13 years
Nope, doesn't affect previous points
almost 13 years
you got to your goal of 10,000+! :D
and i got to my goal of 2000 hahaha so +K for you :)
almost 13 years
I'm playing now ;)
almost 13 years
yo :) <3
almost 13 years
.6 * .5 = .3
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
+K for what I believe, is the right way to use the Karma system. ;)
deletedalmost 13 years
I don't know how you fail hammered there, and even if you misclicked I have no idea how it would take you that long to work out mafia. Georgia had been useless and called you mafia all game until I fosd her, Edge also was lurking until the end when he saw you were falling to pressure. I don't know whether you bothered reading that game or not, but to me it was as obvious as hell and I was in the same position as you until the end.
almost 13 years
+K for your awesome use of the karma system, as described in your bio, and being a good player to boot!
almost 13 years
+k for being friends <3
deletedalmost 13 years
People don't always check their walls the moment they log on, so it was better just clearing it.
deletedalmost 13 years
Honest meta where you "Never do x as mafia so therefore I'm clear" is against the rules.

I can only clear whole bios, so you lost the lot.
deletedalmost 13 years
I cleared your bio. "I won't cc cop as mafia" is counted as honest meta and is not allowed.
almost 13 years
i nvr rly knew lover but i miss facessssssss D; we used to do guiser games together (sniffsniff)
almost 13 years
Plussed you. That was unnecessary what Mehrdad did. You didn't deserve that. Like I had told you, it was a ML. Sure it was wrong, but it was a ML. No reason to call you a retard because of that.
deletedalmost 13 years
dont call me a dumb vig i no visit like i should have
almost 13 years
nope, i wasn't mafia
about 13 years
Haha thanks :P Returning the +K
about 13 years
I promised some karma so here it is =) thanks for +king me too xD