
the bush outside your house (:

It's now 2015 and I'm looking back and no one remembers me probs but I'm still around :)


> soooo i wrote this bio over a year ago and everybody in my original social circle is retired and its depressing. but im too addicted to stop sooo...

8.15.11 I CAN ACTUALLY PLUS NOW AND DO STUFF :) YAYAYAYAYAYAY 7.25.12 5,000 points (finally)

i have a soul fools. respect the ging.


damian mcginty is just too perfect for words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQOZ37688M

ANDDD IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE OF THIS WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING here are some links to enrich your otherwise sad, damian-less lives:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOZWC5tCbmU HOW CAN YOU WATCH THIS AND NOT LOVE HIM

http://www.stickam.com/viewMedia.do?mId=192111124&rf=fbTab <333

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBJnTBtZR1Y&NR=1 his accent <3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlNYWxDtK5E&feature=relmfu LOL HES SO WHITE

YAY for my revamped bio :D

please dont EVER use the word "retarded" as a derogatory term in a game with me. ever. period. no, i dont have an intellectual disability, but unfortunately the word "retarded" has come to have a connotation to "stupid" or "moronic", while its meant to be a medical term for people with intellectual disabilities. using the word "retarded" just reinforces the stereotype that people with intellectual disabilities are not-as-valued members of society, which is absolutely unacceptable. i cant stand it when people use that word so please just dont.


OKAY, now that the serious stuff is out of the way...xD

things i love: - bunnies - horses - dogs - competitive dance - nicki minaj - dr. pepper - donuts (although im not usually allowed to eat any xD)

i HATE ranked, especially when im playing with a noobish town. it gets me all serious so if i offend you im sorry xD ill probably stop playing ranked after i have the 2k points

so if you like any of these things, especially if you ride horses or dance, you should definitely add me and write on my wall or whatever its called :D

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/982580 favorite vivor game of all time :D

> Survivor Stuff: SURVIVOR by EvilGinger

Season One

  • Winner - DaniDonato
  • Runner Up - Num1RinoaFan

Season Two

  • Winner - xSkyla
  • Runner Up - BroStrider

Season Three

  • Winner - KaTtheCultist
  • Runner Up - unccedcop

Season Four

  • TIE - tigerfrmny and soda17

Season Five

  • Winner - Scenre/Akotoro
  • Runner Up - SnowDog

Friends (56)


11 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Scumhunter
almost 13 years
get on facebook u ginger :o
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
+K for scumhunting
deletedalmost 13 years
Nice post, K+ Genny Weasly
almost 13 years
lol ragesuis. we woulda won too. +k for dat cc.
almost 13 years
oh tats fbs fault T__T did u get the part when i started ranting about the chat? after i wrote it all it was like "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again." so i think u didnt get it..
almost 13 years
Please, please tell me you were trolling. Even if you weren't please tell me you were. I have hope in humanity, and you make me want to kill every last ginger I see. So, please tell me you're trolling, and I won't feel so bad. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!
almost 13 years
WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COME ON WITHOUT ME!? d-do u not wanna play wiff me D':?
almost 13 years
1-10 method...50/50 lol
about 13 years
+k ed you, you know why XD
about 13 years
HAHAHA (comment below)
about 13 years
OH SNAP! You just got hit with some karma. Boom. Pow. Enjoy.
about 13 years
good work, it was an easy set up haha, +ked
about 13 years
hey gingerr im not good enough to add karma to u but ur awesome :D
about 13 years
glee is non-existent in the realms of the internet (beware of trolls, meaning)