
in love with 
part of  family

Guise Test : ask about my best soccer team (and not only the name :p)

Best troll game

Best lucky game

500 on 2011-04-26 1k on 2011-04-29 2k on 2011-05-08

Best ratio: 55.26% win on 2011-05-02

Please tell me why you +k or -k me.


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 25Explosion!
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20He's Batman
1 / 10I'm Batman.
about 11 years
+k for Masoned! ;P
over 12 years
+k returned :)
over 12 years
thank you for inviting me to join your family. +k'd you =)
over 12 years
.........because the game was unranked. lol...................
almost 14 years
+k for -k'ing kawks.
almost 14 years
thanks, i'll +1 you when I can
almost 14 years
+k, u love football. and u are nice.
almost 14 years
Thanks guy!
You where a good mafia partner as well. +k.
deletedalmost 14 years
i'll let you know when i've played enough games to get karma. won't be today. you did a great job that game too though.
almost 14 years
hello love<3
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks and let me know me know when you're online. If I am, I will play a game with you. :)
deletedalmost 14 years
thanks sir, back at you
almost 14 years
Ya I know. I was thinking I could help out by getting a few blues/miller/mafs out the field. But..... I hit doc ;_; I could find scum by talking but pure luck is....... pure luck. +K to make up for it!
deletedalmost 14 years
thanks, +4k for that nice comment!
almost 14 years
Please don't doc vigs during a vig cc shootout ( did not -k )

If you guess wrong, maf could have killed someone. If you guess right, nothing happens and were back to step 1.
almost 14 years
+Ked for good vigging
almost 14 years
Lol, nice event - but I'm afraid I liked the royal wedding today ;]
almost 14 years
+k for that sexy party lmao
almost 14 years
your awesome<3
almost 14 years
Hey babe ;)