
married to 
part of  family



1 / 20Rigged

Created Setups

deletedalmost 13 years
Sigh, I thought you were being serious, and I left and decayed two hearts because of it. Oh well.
deletedalmost 13 years
What do you mean? You weren't gonna gamethrow?
deletedalmost 13 years
Hey. Shadow and Sky have the same round points (186). lol.

I suck at being mafia and playing SDS.
almost 13 years
What do you mean, did u get hearts taken away?
almost 13 years
I figured, you seem to be having a decent run so far.
almost 13 years
Meh kvo gonna comp dlyv ;P
almost 13 years
mfw I choked
deletedalmost 13 years
its comming :3
almost 13 years
I got this.

DLYV is on the way.

I might comp Reverse mafia with it just to really piss people off...
deletedalmost 13 years
pm me hoe
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
I'll probably recomp DLYV Before the round starts
almost 13 years
Naw, you gotta buy em or respond to lucid's occasional art adverts in the announcements.
deletedalmost 13 years
I saw your comment on gatso's channel. If you hooked me and I tried to mason AndShock but he didn't change from being a blue, then you coulda argued the case that I was not really a mason and it woulda been 50-50 from there. So either way for future reference always hook the mason. Either he no masons and there's no clears, mismasons, or he masons correctly but you refute the mason claim. I masoned because I didn't want 3 unclears going into the final day and knew my best shot would be a mason at that point. Just giving you advice if you're ever in a situation like that again. I did come very close to masoning you, I was shaking as I clicked AndShock and had my eyes almost shut lol. Well played though.
almost 13 years
Yep. Too true. Nothing that could be done. Good try though.
deletedalmost 13 years
Hey. Check out the scoreboard. You are sandwiched between me! LOL
deletedalmost 13 years
Warning for lobby camping SGR and Dave. Stop trying to join games solely because they're in them.
deletedalmost 13 years
Besides that one loss, I had a pretty good day. Hahaha. Going 5/6 is prolly an average day to you. :P
deletedalmost 13 years
Fuck meta.
deletedalmost 13 years
Sorry about the loss. I should have sheeped you. I was so stubborn.