
I'm back from my 3 years break and everything confusing me

hi my name is Marie-Eve :) I'm from canada and speak french and just only little bit in english :)

♥♥♥♥stop basing your fos on my played games thats stupid. Try taking a 3 years break and then come back here ....then come to me and tell me how it feel with all those new roles, changes and etc....♥♥♥♥

I always look scummy for low skills they take my language (I speak french and sometimes my english sound very bad) as dumbtells etc

I'm here to have fun so if you taking this site too seriously its maybe a sign you should take a break ;)

Trolls are people with no life outside internet I feel bad for them if any of you need to talk pm me and ill help you with your mental illness.

I miss old players a lot, this site was better before. It's still good but not as before. I think we got too much trolls now that make the site very bad compare to before.

This is my list of my best players !!!! The players who I love to play with =D

-Hawker/jmerrell -stephen/confusedintx -jackMcphee -Flippy -Mario -Manning015 -Goltemis -Jennbunny -jjviv -RoseOnPlayer -CharlieFoxtrot -Hobobob -DeanD -alexjabo -SoppyDuck -B0OTY - Jepstein30 <3

If I forgot some names just tell me ok ?

I'm there to have fun =D people call me a funny person =D just don't get on my nerve !! lol

almost 15 years