

Let's just all be friends

Blue = Best Role Ever

I will put the nail in thy coffin of death, and close it shut with the mighty hammer. ====[]

Nothing is better then hammering the mafia at 3 way lylo, reading and scum hunting and catching some one in a lie and the last best thing is winning as mafia where no one suspects you.

Don't do Guiser Codes because I believe it to be game breaking and the same goes for NLing on a must-lynch set up. This is just my opinion so if you don't like it then that's on you but I will not return anything. I also will never KL because that never helps town, I say let the person get kicked so it doesn't effect everyone else.

Sheep town is going to sheep! Baaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

If you want plussed just ask, to some people it makes them feel good to have a lot of karma so I don't mind plussing anyone who wants it, just ask. ;)

I kind of created, accidently, a policy lynch on willmckenzie in LOBL. Whoops :P

deletedalmost 14 years
I'm tearing down Wabbit Season. Sorry man :(
almost 14 years
+karma back for 169 YAY
almost 14 years
When you thinking of heading down? Few weeks, few months lol
almost 14 years
Oh.... The Skinner. :|
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Plussed for letting town win.
deletedalmost 14 years
forgot to return for earlier, done and done.
almost 14 years
No time to really play. Just kind of mope the forums.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
Well you seem to be doing pretty good this round!
almost 14 years
dude, im really sorry... My mouse lagged and i mis clicked.. im really truly sorry... :(
almost 14 years
+4keD!.. :D
almost 14 years
plus k, please return?
almost 14 years
+k because I'm a filthy whore
almost 14 years
Returned! :P
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
that was a fun game :)
deletedalmost 14 years
Yeah, I don't know why @_@
deletedalmost 14 years
are you online? let's play.
deletedalmost 14 years
oh yeah, its not just my main that gets RL'd day1. its my alt too: