Can you tell me why i didnt create a "DaJama" Lion Alt at that time where it was cool to have a lion alt unlike now i mean "DaJama" would've been perfect right
Would still be amazing, you should make it lion alts will never be not cool.
deletedalmost 11 years fucking watch this hilarious shit
IF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN U! ......__________________ ...../_==o;;;;;;;;______ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___//
deletedover 9 years
IF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN DA PERSON THAT KILLED U! ......__________________ ...../_==o;;;;;;;;______ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// WE TRUE HOMIES WE RIDE TOGETHER WE DIE TOGETHER
send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE