I do some pixel art for fun, like some of the role icons, sandbox banners or this:
Gunslinger / Necromancer / Poltergeist
Medium / Cop / Florist
Browse my pixel art: https://www.deviantart.com/imposterchild
My roles:
Queen Bee http://epicmafia.com/role/55433
Rainmaker http://epicmafia.com/role/55443
My role icons
Icons for official roles ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ Icons for my suggested roles
My sandbox banners:
I got this award from Shwartz99, thank you so much:
Background by pricessofcubes: www.deviantart.com/pricessofcubes/art/s-a-n-c-t-u-a-r-y-790895644
Divider by ThisPoisonedOne: www.deviantart.com/thispoisonedone/art/Crow-Divider-648999379