
You will receive 1 token for every player you invite to the site who reaches 4000 points!
in love with 
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anonymousabout 5 years
hitting off the site again in a few days and will make it a weekly thing. <3
aww okay.. discord me, whoever you are!!
anonymousover 5 years
what do you like eating
idk if this is a serious or meme question
over 5 years
marry me
no me
anonymousover 5 years
do u have HIGH HOPES for this site
no I only have high hopes for leb
anonymousover 5 years
do u want me to be a mod? and also do u agree that the results of that "election" shouldn't affect the admins' decision?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


10 / 10Scumhunter
10 / 25Explosion!
9 / 30Oxyclean
8 / 20Clint Eastwood
7 / 10Governator!
over 12 years
I'm sorry!! :'(
over 12 years
+k, fun game/returning the favor =)
over 12 years
gave you +K :)
deletedover 12 years
Nah I'll be fine. I don't even know if she's throwing anything away. Could be she comes running back tomorrow, you never know.
deletedover 12 years
Yeah yeah, we've been over it before. I cc your claim though. It was pretty obvious from Day 1 ;)
deletedover 12 years
Nah I think there is. Well, for me anyway. Maybe not so much for you.
deletedover 12 years
I would disagree but I don't have anyone yet :P
deletedover 12 years
Yeah I'd say give it time but Dream =/= Tyg XD
deletedover 12 years
I always did think you and Tygerz had a thing going on.
deletedover 12 years
Bahahaha I told her people could see it.
over 12 years
+K for epic 2 mafia investigations in a row and being beleivable while doing it.
over 12 years
Good jawb +K
over 12 years
+K'd because of the gateway and for being Goku.
deletedalmost 13 years
+k because , dbz fans. YAY !
almost 13 years
Help stop moderator abuse by commenting on lucid's profile to ban GaryOak! I was banned from games and forums for simply saying that GaryOak is an abusive moderator!
deletedalmost 13 years
Gave u karma because people always kill u ^_^
almost 13 years
+k'd dude please return :D
almost 13 years
+k for my graveyard buddy XD
deletedalmost 13 years
+K, for getting for that dumbass to think your blue, when you cc'd him.
almost 13 years
your avi's still looking goooddddddd ;) ;)