If you want to play, please comment that you're in.
The amount of roles for prosecutor, defense and the jury depend on how many people sign up!
How to play:
There will be 5-7 rounds, depending on how many players.
Roles: One judge (ME), Prosecutors, Witnesses, Defense lawyers and the jurors.
People in their roles have their own chat channels. Everyone will be present in the courtroom chat channel once it's unlocked in the rounds.
Prosecutors or defense win a case by getting the majority jury opinion becoming the final verdict.
The losing party eliminates 1 player of their team per round.
More details
Prosecutors will select one or two team players to act as a witness on the stand during the trial.
Defense lawyers will cross-examine the witnesses on the stand during the trial and call them out on their BS and hopefully get the jury to decide that the defendant is innocent.
The jury roles:
You do not side with either party. There is no elimination for this role. You are playing to get highest scores in the jury by having an right answer on whether the defendant is guilty or not.
Please note that ONLY judge knows the TRUTH on if the defendant is guilty or not, which will be announced at the end of a round after the jury have made a decision.
More (how to play) details about this game in the discord server.
Must have discord.
Sign up and comment which role you want (I may assign a different role to you)
PM me on EM your discord name.