over 5 years

hi, this is and opinion/ama thread, but also im just going to treat it as my personal blog ok ty

over 5 years

superspooky says


hi, i think you always mean well and have your friends best interest at heart, but i think you try too hard for people to like you - just be yourself you are a very kind and loving person and if people can't see that then thats their issue. You are very funny and i do enjoy most of your memes. You do insert yourself into a lot of friend groups/drama that make me question a lot about you, but again i think this is because of your need to be liked. You are a very good friend and a great person
over 5 years
for all you females who hate men rn

deletedover 5 years
i guess i had time for 2 opinions, but im stopping again so have another song on me

another oldie but a goodie

deletedover 5 years

cozy says

I Iove u my princess <3

This is going to be so long because I just love you so much.

You are my absolute fave girl from this website. You are always the person I turn to for advice and you will always drop everything to try and help me and i appreciate you so much. You are very kind and always have others best interest at heart. Girl, you make me laugh so much I can remember so many times on call with you that i genuinely almost pee'd myself from laughing lmao. When we met I told you do not let me drink tequila.. what did you do... yeah.... BAD FRIEND lmao.

You are super fcking pretty and you don't even realise how hot you are girl. You're so down to earth and your perspective on things is so refreshing.

Sometimes i think you can be really naive and too trusting in certain people, but i'll always be here to help you out with that you are my best friend and even though we go a week or two without speaking sometimes i know when we do re-connect it will be like nothing changed.

You deserve everything you want in life and ily ♥♥♥♥
deletedover 5 years

SHERK says

hc me

v. aggressive and annoying and hard to get along with. Sometimes you are funny i guess
over 5 years
i'll do the rest later i'm busy with work until then plz enjoy this oldie but a goldie

over 5 years
destroy me honey
over 5 years
over 5 years
over 5 years
(No opinion for me please)
(Just thought that was a funny face)
over 5 years
over 5 years

char says

MisterPresident says

Opinion me

rutab, my favourite farmyard animal.

I respect you so much you hold good morals and opinion on things and even though we do rarely speak i do consider you someone very close to me on this site. You're so fun to be around and I know that when you are being nice its genuine. I also love that you fill me in on ur relationship its honestly the cutest thing. Whenever something is happening on the site that worries you or requires a mod urgently you always reach out right away which i respect so much.

i have nothing bad to say about you you are an absolute darling and i hope u get everything u want in life

over 5 years
I Iove u my princess <3
over 5 years
also i love you so muCH!!!!
over 5 years

char says

mindful says

hello lolcharles

hello daycare,

god we go way back, don't we? lmao. You're the person i've known longest on the site that I still consider a friend.

You are a very sweet, genuine, caring person. You will go above and beyond for the people you care about and make sure they are okay and i respect you so much for that. I miss you a lot and the times in the girl chat because they are honestly some of my fav memories from this site. Whenever I felt attacked or hurt by someone you were always the first person to defend me. I honestly cannot say anything bad about you other than sometimes when you messaged me I knew it was you trying to find out the tea LMAO but i cant blame you for that. I still remember when you were first going to meet josh and were pm'ing me like HELP ME IDK WHAT TO DO lmao it was honestly so funny and adorable i just love you swan <3 _ <3

you're not 100% wrong about me trying to find out the tea ;-) i live for it
over 5 years
hc me
over 5 years
your opinions will take FOREVER98

plus now im an emotional wreck because i had to write an opinion on myself so BYE
over 5 years
listen up "noob"
over 5 years
shut up noob
over 5 years

char says

muki and leb u can wait im tired

continue waiting*
over 5 years
oh, you too emily ily
over 5 years
muki and leb u can wait im tired
over 5 years

mac says

onion me

hi, this is going to be short because we don't really k now one another, but i think you're very funny and so adorable i just wanna squeeze ur cheeks sometimes lmao ur a v.good rolemod and i hope to speak to u more in the future because you are a very nice person

p.s. love ur art
over 5 years

shady12 says

I have a question in the "ask me anything" format of this thread.

What is your opinion of... yourself?

im cute af.

Okay, you know what? Even if this was a meme question im going to take it seriously.

I'm a hot headed mess a lot of the times. I like to pretend like I have it all together, but thats just not true. Unless its someone i consider close to me i really do not care what people think of me. I can be an immature, angry little monster if something doesn't go my way (and i wonder where my kids get it. LMAO) I am very opinionated and will argue my point until im blue in the face even if im wrong lmao. tldr on the negaitves; mess.

I come across as really b*tchy and intimidating because i speak my mind a lot. I would always rather that someone was open and forward with me so thats the way i act :shrug: i'd rather be honest and say hey i don't like you. I can be a bit of an attention seeker and have a really bad attitude some days.

I will go above and beyond for the people i love and do anything to make sure they are happy.

im very anxiety driven, but hey im cute and funny af so if u actually took the time to read this fcking nonsense be my friend im amazing.

i gave birth to the two most beautiful and amazing human beings on this earth so i must be doing something right

way too deep for a wednesday night
thanks shady !!!! lmao

oh also did i get the . job???? lol
over 5 years
I wuv my gf charley