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Burger King Exploits Mental Health

almost 5 years

Burger King has decided to team up with the non-profit Mental Health America to remind people that they don’t have to be happy all of the time.

Which box do you want?
Yaaas meal
Salty meal
Blue meal
Pissed meal
DGAF meal
almost 5 years
i like it
almost 5 years
if you guys are smart, sue burger king for that and earn millions even when you didn't do anything
100% you'll win. Just say, yeah depression give me 500 million and then just take a few million out of it.

please give me a cut out of the money you get,
it was my idea! :(
almost 5 years
oh boy can't wait for the We Heard You manufactured apology follow up
almost 5 years
Burger King did an oopsie
almost 5 years