almost 6 years

welcome to my thread, take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable.

the big yeet manifesto
5 signed
big yeets are the best, get yote all the time; an all encompassing philosophy.
it is pronounced
over 5 years
aizawa sans
over 5 years
over 5 years
over 5 years
groundhogday ian?
over 5 years
If you don't know me as Ian you don't know me -- sorry girl
over 5 years

xtal says

thecolonel says

My shoes are staying on you fuçking freak

who were you before thecolonel

who were you before Jasper? No one
over 5 years
henlo can you spare an opinion, toxic gamer girl?
over 5 years
Im here to oppress you, and also demand an opinion
over 5 years

thecolonel says

My shoes are staying on you fuçking freak

who were you before thecolonel
over 5 years
My shoes are staying on you fuçking freak
over 5 years
*takes my shoes off, propping my juicy succulent toes on the table and giving them a quick wiggle before leaning back and taking a sip of my blue gatorade*
over 5 years
over 5 years

we did it girls
almost 6 years

Golbolco says


oh boy. i used to think you were a troll but now i know that's only half the case. though i seldom interacted with you back in the day, i remember the woa spider meme and that basically summed up your personality as far as i was concerned. then came the drama. not gonna lie i was a bit peeved to see you go against my friends.

despite that, i've always found you to be at least an entertaining presence. even the drama was great for my enjoyment of the site back in the day. the lore thread was a great idea and has been executed very well. i also respect the dedication to role building and your setups. i'm annoyed that chatbox is dead but i probably can't hold you responsible (actually can we have a lore update as to what happened there?).

it's cool we're finally chatting.
almost 6 years music stream

also onions coming soon
almost 6 years

verumbark says

nightmarePhantom says

is this like findom?

im literally going to suck the marrow from your spine with a paper straw

Please guisers don't interact
almost 6 years

nightmarePhantom says

is this like findom?

im literally going to suck the marrow from your spine with a paper straw
almost 6 years
is this like findom?
almost 6 years

PopcornPrincess says

Who are you

i see how it is
almost 6 years
here to guise n1
almost 6 years
here for an opinion
almost 6 years
Musume's league of evil ex's
almost 6 years

emma says

give me an opinion pls?

me 2
almost 6 years

emma says

give me an opinion pls?

hello, i didn't recognise you on that account. we've not spoken much personally but you were always a bubbly presence in chatbox and well regarded by others. i'm glad you're a mod here.
almost 6 years
oh opinions i guess